Gluttonous desire, greed, anger, jealousy, lazy mankind imperfect imprint, destined to create beauty to subvert the perfect ... ... grade is eternal, fashion is short; however, too popular or too personal, you need to constantly balance . Life is a run of balance desire, but also a very crazy run.
karen shen Karen poetry, is the company's Australian fashion design team to introduce the Chinese fashion brand women , with sunshine, health, self-confidence, artistic philosophy of life, urban vitality of young people passed the "future, colorful, interesting" quality of life philosophy. "Karen shen Karen poetry" brand women to absorb the elements of Europe and the United States fashion, uphold the classic, elegant costumes concept, clever use of color with the natural and tailored to show women simple, gentle qualities.
Its unique "mature fashion in the distribution of youthful charm, elegant atmosphere," attracting more and more advocating the perfect modern woman.
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